it appropriate to ask for a vision?
I have only asked for a vision
once. That was of the birth of the
Savior. I was hoping for a movie
version. What eventually came to me was
way different than I expected, but much more. Instead of just viewing like a
movie, I "became" a participant and "felt" what it was like
to give birth in a stable. I am still in
awe of that experience.
Mel Fish talks about our "two sets of
eyes" in his book, Healing the Inner
Self. "What you see is what you
get. There is much more to this than
people realize. We all really have two
sets of eyes. Physical or outer eyes…and
inner or mind's eye. With our inner eye,
we view the pictures or images in our mind.
It is the inner eye which leads us to use the expression, "I
see" when we suddenly understand something. It is much the same way with inner eye. We do not always choose the images that pop
into our mind. But we can choose to focus
our attention upon that image and dwell, or focus on something else. Mel gives an example of listening to the
radio as a boy. The same stories viewed
on TV were disappointing.
He also discussed why seeing terrible
things which have a bad effect is the result of the inner eye.
It is seen only once by the physical, but
the emotional breakdown comes when the same terrible scenes are seen over and
over in the mind's eye."
Kirk Duncan talks about
"imagining" your higher power.
Seeing as having a body…a really
good loving Dad who really cares, answer questions, is fit, laughs, looks
good…a loving Dad, who really cares, clear eyes, big smile, smells good, hands
soft, gentle but thick hands. Creating
all the details.
He says that if you go to pray and don't feel connected, it feels shallow. You know it's shallow if you fall asleep.
What goes on in the mind is REAL. He gets
bigger results, tangible proof that things are happening in his life
you imagine Him Far Away on a shiny glass throne? Do you sit on a throne? No, hardly ever.
him walk through a field with a bunch of kids.
He's interacting, touchable, relatable.
The image comes of playing, smiling.
Create those moving pictures in your mind. Kirk says if He is not moving, then I am not
Where does He live? How about the coolest castle ever? Front door lined with flowers, animals, a
moat…or a cabin in the mountains with an
incredible view over the lake. If Kirk
needs one on one close connection, he goes to the cabin, smells the
cookies. There's mom, who welcomes with
a plate of cookies. There He is in overalls, red checkered shirt, hiking boots,
scruffy beard, bandana around neck.
Thanks for loving the people he says.
Tight hugs. Safe. Just melt.
God in his cabin is watching over.
(Kirk Duncan, notes from CD, Seeking
a Higher Power)
To stay active, the Seer in us
requires creativity that pushes our visionary senses into expression as Kirk
talks about in the previous section. Visualization,
art, writing, composing, building, sewing, designing all tap into and activate
those senses.
Countless hours of TV and video games
dull those senses. These days the only
time many of us feel visually fulfilled is when we are sitting in a dark
theater with popcorn on our lap. We
crave car chases, explosions, gunfire, sharp obnoxious images hurled into our
brain. A tree is not enough. We want an angel to come blazing through the
air, a pillar of light to knock us off our feet.
Most of us have forgotten that this
life is an adventure, a challenge, a saga.
We will spend hours playing Myst on our computer, decoding symbols to
solve the game, but won’t give our own journey the same attention.
The author of the Pure
Revelations blog asks and tells the following:
"What is a vision?
Have you ever had a daydream where your mind drifts off into a fantasy and you see something that isn’t really there? Sometimes we experience this as we read a book, listen to someone talk, or do a mundane task. We see in our mind what our eyes cannot. The difference between a daydream and a vision is that the Holy Spirit directs the “vision.” It is holy, it has purpose, it is vivid, and anything is possible…
teach art classes in Provo Utah and often I am asked, 'What is the most
important ability an artist can acquire?' … my answer is that the ability to
visualize and create a unique concept is the greatest aspiration of any artist;
to see beyond the earthly realm, to behold the 'artist’s vision.' How can this
relate to us in our quest to draw closer to God? As we open up our minds to
such things, the Spirit can teach us beyond anything we have experienced.
suggest my students do two things to help them develop this skill. One is to
gather images that inspire them. Study them and try to figure out why they are
meaningful. For those on a spiritual quest, this could be to ponder upon
subjects that are meaningful to you. …
The second exercise …is to hold a photo of
someone they love; perhaps a picture of a famous painting. Stare at the photo
for a couple of minutes. Not just gaze at it, but really examine the shapes and
tones and colors and study what you see. After a couple of minutes close your
eyes and try to remember as much as you can. You’ll be amazed at your ability
to remember details. For those on a spiritual quest, do the same exercise, but
in addition to that, allow the remembering part to flow into a vision. If one
were to practice this exercise for even a few minutes daily they would be
amazed at the results.
a seeker of “vision” you will improve your ability to formulate images in your
mind. Your dreams become more vivid and your ability to remember images
improves. Our brain is like a muscle that can be enhanced with exercise—and so
is our spirit. You will learn to receive the Lord’s gifts as you reach out for
them. Each of you is like an artist in the making."
there are many among us who have many revelations, for they are not all
stiffnecked. And as many as are not stiffnecked and have faith, have communion
with the Holy Spirit, which maketh manifest unto the children of men, according
to their faith.” (Jarom 1:4)
The word, “stiffnecked” implies that they will not
bend or look or do things they are unaccustomed to doing. Like a child who
learns as they grow up that certain things are senseless (Santa, Easter Bunny,
etc.), often the Gifts of the Spirit are placed in this category by the “older
and wiser.” If you can’t touch it, feel it, or see it, don’t believe it. Is it
no coincidence that Christ said we are to become as a little child?
we open our minds to receive overflowing visions? YES.
have put together Ten Steps that I believe will facilitate a vision to those
who are prepared to receive it.
ONE: Have a purpose. Are you seeking answers regarding a particular question,
topic, or problem? Have you sought it out and come to the conclusion that only
the Lord can help you? This is an appropriate reason to seek a vision from the
TWO: Get comfortable. Honestly, a vision can happen anywhere and anytime, but
when going out of your way to seek a vision, it may be a good idea to sit down
and relax. Relax your mind and body. Breathe deeply and remove the stresses
that may inhibit the Lords Spirit. I like to sit on the ground, but you can be
most anywhere that it is quiet and where you can concentrate.
THREE: Ask the Lord if you can shield yourself from the Adversary to prevent
deception. If you hear the affirmative, say in your mind, “In the name of Jesus
Christ, by His authority, I command that a shield be placed around me to shield
me from any unclean spirits that would try to deceive me or cause harm.” Ask
the Lord if you did it correctly. I would suggest reviewing “Pure Revelation.”
FOUR: Ask the Lord if he will share a vision with you through His Spirit. Be
specific and ask with faith. As with any revelation, you must pray for what you
desire. I would suggest reviewing “Four Steps to Powerful Prayer.”
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Art by Amberle Stoffers |
SIX: Begin the vision. Learn the art of visualization. (Refer to exercise below.)
Visualize yourself, from your vantage point, walking up to a door. Try to see
it as vividly as possible. Open the door and look where it leads. Do not be
startled by what you see, do not retreat. Simply let this self-imposed vision
go wherever it will. Continue to pray as you experience the vision. At some
point, the Spirit will likely begin to control the vision and it will reveal
the Lord’s will to you.
SEVEN: Don’t be hasty. Explore the surroundings of your vision. Look at
details. Think of colors and smells and feelings. When there is nothing more
there, look on, move forward, and keep asking.
EIGHT: Immediately after your vision ask the Lord if it was from Him. Get a
confirmation. You may already know it is, but perhaps only part of it was. If
nothing happens it may be that you need to follow the steps on the “Praying
with Power.” It may be that your thoughts are too cumbered with stress, worry,
or the Spirit hasn’t been able to reach you for some reason. If you struggle,
fasting may be the solution to open the door. But more than likely you will
have an amazing experience to ponder.
NINE: Write down the vision. Think of as many details as possible. Remember
feelings and impressions. Allow the Spirit to guide your writing. This is personal
scripture to you and may be seen by your posterity. Much of what you will
receive will be answers to direct prayer, prophecy of future events, and what
the Lord wants you to know personally.
TEN: Express gratitude to the Lord in prayer. Review with Him what you have
written. Ask Him if there is anything false in your writing. Ask if there is
anything else he wants you to know and understand. Don’t be surprised if
another vision opens up to you. Expect the unexpected."
Pete Sanders gives ideas on dream interpretation:
"Dream images are seen with the mind, not
the physical eyes.
Focusing in the forehead region is the
best way to activate 3rd eye. This skill
has atrophied because we have been trained over the years to use the physical
vision exclusively.
Dream impressions tend to be more symbolic than literal. You can use your other senses to help
interpret symbols.
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Art by Amberle Stoffers |
The same process applies to visions
received when awake. They are equally as
valid and important. …
Some people fail to make full use of seeing
abilities because they look for the wrong quality of image, expecting
brilliant, intense pictures that block out everything including physical
Trying to force it, won't work. Take the pressure off by giving up any
preconceived notions of what you should see."
Andrei Ridgeway in
Psychic Living, gives some excellent
detailed information on interpreting and using dreams:
"First, write
it down… Act out the dream in your
mind's eye. Place yourself in the psyche
of the main character. Insert yourself
as the third person. 'I am the man with
the fishing pole in Andrei's dream.' Pause and allow the symbol (the man) to
talk to you telling you what it represents.
You go back to the character and ask how it feels or ask why it is doing
something in the dream. Travel through
the other symbols one at a time Take the
role of the fishing rod. Imagine it can
speak to you. Make it come alive. You may at this time remember other details
in the dream that will aid you in doing this.
Each component talks to you and each symbol or action is a word or
sentence that the subconscious is trying to impart to you. …
So, you would say,
'I'm the little critter.' Ask the animal what it symbolizes to you. … What
are the dominant issues on my mind?
Eventually you can unravel things for others by asking the same
questions of them. Watching life's
symbols is important. Write down,
remember and analyze. If you can't
unravel it right away, put it aside in your notebook for later.
Imagination and day-dreaming are not the same
thing. Creative imagination is different than ego pleasing. TV deadens the imagination. We don't have to imagine Niagara Falls or the
plains of the Serengeti, we can watch it all in living color on TV. Trivial chatter, same stuff over and over,
machismo violence and crud..making the broadcasters rich and the nation ill. Concepts that disempower people and make them
easy to control. There are those on this
planet…that seek to control ordinary folk by getting them hooked on debt, drugs
and dysfunction and by desensitizing them.
Most people day dream a lot yearning for a lottery win or for someone to
come save them. They wait passively,
often pathetically, for an oversized dollop of good fortune to fall on their
heads from the great goo-goo bird in the sky,
Plop, I am rich.
The goo-goo bird
is cool, for it creates instant millionaires.
The problem is its bowel movements are few and far between. You're more likely to be hit by
lightning. You can ruin your life
wasting time, energy and money for something that might never happen.
Daydreams are ego
pleasing…Imagination allows you to see a future for yourself, but for it to
make any sense, and to be real, there has to be a path from today's
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Art by Amberle Stoffers |
Some of us may feel that our "third eye" doesn't
work or is blocked. I have "seen" people with energetic
blocks or devices that have hindered this gift.
I have seen "walls" and blocks that look like "silly
putty cement." Here I would advise
much prayer and fasting and asking for heavenly help to remove these spiritual
blocks that are put there by the adversary. Often a blessing is in order. And always remember to "ask" for
permission. Spend fewer hours
in front of the TV and more time in nature, attuning vision to what is seen
through the physical eyes. Be aware of the subtle beauty of flowers, trees and
running water.
Pure Revelations Blog
Brady, Teresa, Ignite Your Psychic Intuition
Duncan, Kirk, CD of Seeking a Higher Power
Fish, Mel, Healing the Inner Self
Ridgeway, Andrei, Psychic Living
Sanders, Pete
A., You Are Psychic
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