Thursday, March 10, 2016

Dismissing the Dot People

           I awakened  about 2:30 am with pains  hitting my knees, first on one side, then on other, then both. Felt like a hammer or club bashing, came in waves. I knew it wasn't sore muscles. Thinking it might be a spiritual attack, I invited any negative energies to depart. That didn’t seem to help. I prayed, asked for heavenly help, visualized Nephi and his powerful sword hacking away any demonic attachments. That helped a little. I  prayed some more for a few minutes.  I eventually visualized talking directly to God and Christ and expressed Love, Gratitude and asked for Forgiveness-- and really went into those feelings.  Within 30 seconds, the pains left and I was enveloped in a feeling of warmth and coziness and gratitude.   This is just one example of a Spiritual Attack.     Who are these entities that can cause us so much grief? 

             I first heard about "The Dot People" from Kirk Duncan. It seemed fitting.  The "dots" being an indication that these are spirits.  (If you drew a representation, then the "dots" would show this.) Can be good or bad. Those who wish us harm can interfere with us spiritually and even physically.


Various authors refer to "them" in different ways.  They have been called "Dark Spirits", "Tornado Head", "Drunk Monkey", "Junk", "Parasites", "False Self", "The Enemy", "The Thief", "The Devil", "Adversary", "Demons", "Satan" or "Lucifer."  However, in the context of this essay, they will mostly be referred to as "Dot People."
        Mel Fish has an explanation in his book, Healing the Inner Self. I have personally spoken with what he describes as "unclean" spirits" who are "earthbound."

"… Mostly they are miserable unhappy entities and don’t know what to do about it.

The 'unclean' spirits are the disembodied spirits.  Those who have lived on the earth and died.  They acquired so much darkness during their lifetime that the Darkness within them binds them down and keeps them earthbound.  Some have chosen to remain here on the earth instead of going to the realm of light where they belong.  Some of these spirits remain here because they are confused and seem not to understand the options.  They are not evil and mean us no harm.  They do have negative emotions and therefore have a  negative effect upon us.

Both devils and unclean spirits (henceforth both referred to as Dark spirits) can and do enter our bodies or are attached to us.  The problems they can cause include;  illness, headache, depression, anger, temper, and homosexuality.  However, one cannot blame all problems onto spirits.  We have been given agency.  Very seldom does a spirit take complete control. They do  make it more difficult to exercise self control."


            Don Miguel Ruiz in Mastery of Love talks about "the Parasite", which justifies our behavior in front of other people, but when we are alone, it is the worst judge…blaming and making us feel guilty. When a person gets upset, sad or jealous, it's a Parasite that is in possession.


             Linda Kohanov in Riding Between the Worlds talks about "Tornado Head" or "False Self." "Most adults have grown up so shackled by the False Self's addiction to security and established methods that they haven't developed the skills to live creatively…if Tornado head realizes it's losing control and may throw a fit that makes thinking outside the box more difficult.  At that point, most people turn tail and run back into the cage."

            Napoleon Hill wrote an interesting book in 1938, Outwitting the Devil.  In it he has an interview with "The Devil" who shares some of his tactics with us.  While I didn't care for some things in the book, it did produce some gems of quotes. Here the Devil talks:

"One of my cleverest devices for mind control is fear.  I plant fear in the minds of people and as these seeds germinate and grow…I control the space they occupy.  The six most effective fears are fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age and death…

…  Any habit that weakens will power invites a flock of relatives to move in and take possession of the mind.

 … A drifter is one who permits himself to be influenced and controlled by circumstances outside of his own mind.  He would rather let me occupy his mind and do his thinking than think for himself…has lots of opinions, but are not his own.  Most are supplied by me.

…  I move in by appealing through negative thoughts which they believe are their own.  I plant the seeds of negativity through the pulpit, the newspapers, movies, radio and all other popular methods of appeal to the mind.

… One of my most effective tricks is propaganda…I mix propaganda with the news.  I have it taught in schools.  I see it finds its way to the pulpit.  I color moving pictures with it.  I see it enters every home where there is a radio.  I inject it into billboards, newspapers and advertising.  I spread it in every place of business where people work.  I use it to fill the divorce courts."  

             (And this was written in 1938.  Think how much more propaganda is spread through television and the internet in today's world.)     

            We might ask, Why does every story have a villain?  John Eldredge  explains:

"Every story has a villain because yours does…

It's hard to think of a tale without one. As children, we learned to fear the Big Bad Wolf and the Troll under the bridge. Little Red Riding Hood is attacked by a wolf. Dorothy must face and bring down the Wicked Witch of the West.  The children who stumbled into Narnia are called upon by Aslan to battle the White Witch and her armies so that Narnia might be free.

As we grew older, we discovered more serious villains in the Star Wars series-Darth Vader and Darth Maul and Darth Sidious. In The Fellowship of the Ring, we come to dread the Dark Lord Sauron, the Orcs that do his bidding, and the Black Riders who hunt poor Frodo and the ring that will give the evil one power to enslave the world.

You were born into a world at war.. That means that right now, on this earth, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of fallen angels, foul spirits, bent on our destruction. .. So what does Satan spend every day and every night of his sleepless, untiring existence doing… making war against . . . those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus. He has you in his crosshairs…

Most people do not live as though the Story has a Villain, and that makes life very confusing. How have we missed this? All the stories we've been telling about the presence of an evil power in the world, all the dark characters that have sent chills down our spines and given us restless nights-they are spoken to us as warnings. There is evil cast around us. War. Famine. Betrayal. Murder. Surely we know there is an evil force in this world. It is the voice of our adversary. The question is not, Are we spiritually oppressed, but Where and How?
You have an enemy. He is trying to steal your freedom, kill your heart, destroy your life."

 Dorothy must face and bring down the Wicked Witch of the West.  The children who stumbled into Narnia are called upon by Aslan to battle the White Witch and her armies so that Narnia might be free.

As we grew older, we discovered more serious villains in the Star Wars series-Darth Vader and Darth Maul and Darth Sidious. In The Fellowship of the Ring, we come to dread the Dark Lord Sauron, the Orcs that do his bidding, and the Black Riders who hunt poor Frodo and the ring that will give the evil one power to enslave the world.
You were born into a world at war.. That means that right now, on this earth, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of fallen angels, foul spirits, bent on our destruction. .. So what does Satan spend every day and every night of his sleepless, untiring existence doing… making war against . . . those who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus. He has you in his crosshairs…

                         Who are we listening to?  Growing up, we listen to parents, teachers, friends, higher power, adversarial spirits. All these voices inside of our head. As we get older, it's assumed it is all our thoughts, so familiar we have learned to think of as our own. What is the source of the persistent accusations in our head and heart? The voices and words sound vaguely familiar.   A voice that whispers in our ear, a message that even erases the truths.

            It is necessary to separate the voices so we can determine who we are listening to. If it turns into an "I" statement, (I am worthless. Nobody listens to me.), then a deeper level of acceptance has been attained.    The Bad guys seem to have a script, the same "training manual".  The same things show up for almost everyone.  Word for word exact. We don't know when they will show up. This is the basis for most depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Of the 68,000 thoughts per day, 47,000 are negative.  When we avoid dealing with those negative thoughts, it gets worse.  We don't know what to do next. Many people choose to medicate with drugs, alcohol or some other coping mechanism or addiction. This may seem to make the "voices" go away, but opens up a whole other set of problems. Once we can't hear those voices, we are often numb to promptings from the Holy Ghost and we can give up our precious agency.


            When the Dot People can't get into our heads anymore, they go after other people to tell us the same things.  When this doesn't work, they go after us with energetic blocks causing physical and/or emotional pain .  We live in the valley where the adversary is hunting us.    Even though spirits cannot  directly “hurt” us physically in the same way we hurt from a cut, burn or accident, they can cause pain by interrupting energy flow. (which may in turn cause a distraction leading to a physical "accident".)   These blockages are like a traffic jam on a highway and can produce pain without an apparent physical cause. Energy techniques that restore the flow can help because they assist in releasing the emotional baggage that contributes to stress and darkness. The presence of Dot People does NOT mean that one is evil. It is just a problem that needs to be dealt with like a physical illness.

             Our hearts matter to God.   It is amazing how much accusation we live under and how prevalent and insistent the Dot People are.  Perhaps we have an argument with our spouse or child.   We have a nagging sense of, Well, I really blew that one. If our heart agrees-Yeah, I really did-without taking the issue to Jesus, then the Dot People will try for more. We're always blowing it.   An  agreement is made. It seems so true. I'm such a lousy spouse. Keep this up and our whole day is tanked in about five minutes. The Enemy will take any small victory,  moving from You did a bad thing to You are bad. After a while it just becomes a cloud we live under, accept as normal. Any movement toward freedom and life, any movement toward God  will be opposed. Marriage, friendship, beauty, the Thief wants it all. 

John Eldredge in Waking The Dead says:  "Jesus turned and said to Peter, 'Get behind me, Satan!' (Matt. 16:21-23). Heads up-these words will come from anywhere. Be careful what or who you are agreeing with. Some foul spirit whispers, I'm such a stupid idiot, and they agree with it; then they spend months and years trying to sort through feelings of insignificance. They'd end their agony if they'd treat it for the warfare it is, break the agreement they've made, and send the Enemy packing. "

            When we make those agreements with the Dot People suggesting things to us, we come under their influence. 

            I bear witness to the reality of the Dot people.  I have been given the spiritual gift of being able to "see" some of them.  Some are merely departed spirits who are so tormented by their sins that they do not feel "worthy" to seek their Savior. I have written down "notes" of what they asked and told me.   I have seen some who looked like gargoyle monkeys and some who looked like bizarre cartoon characters.

            So….what do we do?  Educate ourselves.  Pray mightily and ask for help.  It does not behoove us to pretend they're not there.  Acknowledge, but do not Fear.  They prey on Fear.  

             Ask for Guardian angels.   Read scriptures. In studying, write down every name that inspires.    Look specifically for those who went out to check on enemy spies.  Employ all angels.  If we ask, The Lord will usually call down Angels of Light, Soldiers of the Most High, to remove the dark spirits.     Be specific. Angels have different purposes. Some are sent to deal with the Adversary, others are sent to comfort, to bless, to prepare the way.

      Surround homes and post Guardians wherever necessary. Circle the home with protection.  Envision Heaven being interested.    Use Lasers and cross beams. Build stone fortresses and domes of light.  Ask and receive.  Bring the whole Relief Society of Angels.  They WANT to help us.

      When we SMILE, we begin to shed any adversarial attachment.   Sing  Primary songs.  Popcorn popping is sending energy.  Crank up a smile, then negative spirits can't get into our energy bubbles.   Be careful what you LISTEN to, what you EAT, and what you SEE.

Awareness is paramount.

            Some sources say that the Dot people can hear what's in our minds;   other sources say that they cannot …they only can hear what we speak out loud.  This is something that can be "asked" about to get your own answer. Homework problem. When I asked, I got the answer…"It depends…"


We can never go wrong by enveloping ourselves in love.  Negative energies thrive on fear and negative emotion.   

              Imagine a shield of protection… use silent prayer, visualize white light of Christ creating a bubble or cocoon of light. (Like Glinda, the Good witch of the north who traveled in a shimmering, transparent bubble.)

  Surround loved ones who are in your stewardship in their own white light bubbles.  Do this every day to cars, places of employment, residence. Ask for shields of containment to be around anyone or anything that enters your property that any dark thing may be contained on them and not be released while there. You can even ask for shields to be around the other things that enter your property such as internet, water, electricity, gas.  And…don't forget to shield computers and phones.  

            There are many other visualization exercises. Negative dot people are cowardly.  They want no part of the golden sword we can summon for protection by visualizing it--gleaming with perfection, suspended in front of us.  Let its hilt form a cross on the forehead and its blade extend the length of the body like a razor sharp impenetrable declaration of divine god given strength . Visualize Christ as if He were actually there.

 Or how about a version of a fisherman’s net made of spun gold and silver gossamer braided together with Christ's love light?  The net is weightless, but stronger than steel.  Drape it  for glistening protection from the top of your head to the ground at your feet.  When Dot people approach you or start talking to you, drape an identical net over them. Intend that it neutralize without their knowing why their closeness to you left them feeling depleted and rejected.

    The Lord will instruct when and how to use tools of protection.    

             Shielding is a critical part of dealing with the Dot People.  Unfortunately, shields are not usually permanent and it may be wise to ask for how long it will last. Shields are created by the Lord’s light and power and can be seen by the Dot People, angering them and in some cases frightening them. When using shields in their full glory it attracts Satan’s minions like moths to the flame. For this reason, sometimes it is good to ask that the light of the shield be also veiled.

            Some people may begin to feel nervous and ask, “What if I am deceived?" It is easy to be deceived if we are too eager to gain knowledge and don’t check our answers. Perhaps ask, “Lord, are there any spirits here that need to be removed?” If yes,  simply ask  what to do and follow the instruction.

             Demonic possession is a subject that makes most everyone uncomfortable. The belief that “if you ignore it, you’ll never have to deal with it” is an attitude that the Dot People love to propagate. When you become a servant of the Lord you can do more when you understand and confront the Enemy. The fact is that nearly everyone will deal directly with Dot people many times throughout their lifetime. Most people deal with this daily, especially when they are headed down the right path of following the Savior.  Satan said to God in the Garden, “I will take the spirits that follow me, and they shall possess the bodies thou createst for Adam and Eve!” God placed enmity, or a natural repulse to Satan within us, so that we could overcome; but He did not stop Satan from accomplishing his plan.

            Evil dot people will often take habitation within our bodies in the form of sickness, depression, addiction and negative feelings such as anger, hate, and more. For those who invite or allow those spirits to remain, they become a part of us and are more difficult to remove. Sometimes these demonic possessions reveal themselves in the form of mental illness, as defined by modern science.   Those who suffer from such things, because of addiction, grief, or by some unknown reason, often do not know how to release themselves from the chains they bear. (Alma 30:42) We must be careful never to judge, but to seek the Lord’s guidance as we offer compassion, mercy, and when inspired, relief or “exorcism” from such hellishness as the Lord directs us.

If you feel that you need to take part in the removing of any evil spirits from yourself or another be sure to remember the following:


Pray and prepare, asking God for specific instruction for how to proceed.   Some suggest  certain  words to cast out demons.   Use those words that the Lord tells you to use. It may be different depending upon the situation.  

I have found a Prayer of Release  to be helpful in many situations.  It is a pattern from which you will be inspired to find your own words.

Ask that you may shield yourself and others, so that the bad spirits do not just jump from one person into another. You will know that another has been attacked if they immediately become ill or have a radical mood swing.

Ask that Angels be present to remove or have chained and shackled any evil spirits that are removed, if it is the Lord’s will.

Do not perform a blessing with anything other than love, humility, mercy and thankfulness to the Lord. Remember, we are merely servants, exercising faith and love in behalf of the person.

If we lack faith or are having a difficult time receiving the revelation, we need to fast for as long as is necessary to receive instruction.

Always pray afterward  to offer thanks to the Lord and pray for protection.

Remember that when taking a major step in the battle against the Dot People we are marking ourselves as targets. The Lord will give additional protection and help us move forward and our lives may never be the same. The Lord delights when His servants exercise faith in His name and choose to fight the Adversary in His name.



Partial list of References:

Eldredge, John, Waking the Dead, Sacred Romance, Epic and Wild At Heart.

Kohanov, Linda, Riding Between the Worlds

Pure Revelations Blogspot,

Mendenhall, Doug, Conquering Spiritual Evil  

Duncan, Kirk, notes from "Heart of Gold" live presentation and CD, Mind of Steel

Ruiz, Don Miguel, Mastery of Love

Fish, Mel, Healing the Inner Self

Hill, Napoleon, Outwitting the Devil










1 comment:

  1. This is a great compilation. Thank you for pulling this all together.
