Sunday, January 28, 2018

Believing In Angels


 To me an angel can be a mortal on an inspired assignment to help someone else. 

          The following information is good enough to share, better than I could write.  It is taken from the Pure Revelations blog.

"An angel is simply a being from beyond the veil that is on the Lord’s assignment. There are all kinds and each has different duties. They may be the spirits of the dead, our family and loved ones who watch over us; or a messenger or protector from the Most High with great glory. They are kind, they are loving, they are powerful, and they always want to help.

          Part of coming unto Christ is to receive Angels, but where do you start?

Be believing. Cast away your doubts and expect the unexpected.

          Ask the Lord. (James 1:5) This is how you open the door. Ask the Lord to specifically send an Angel to administer to YOU. But remember, you must ask with real intent, nothing wavering. If your intentions are pure, the gift shall come.
Take time to be holy. Set aside some time to ponder, fast, pray and prepare for instruction. You don’t have to be perfect, but your thoughts need to be focused.

Follow the “Four Steps to Praying with Power.“

Don’t set limitations. You can ask for departed loved ones, people in the scriptures, notable past spirits. If the Lord permits it, they WILL COME. This is NOT some kind of spiritualism. This is a Gift of the Spirit that the Lord wishes to bestow upon each of us who desire it ask for it.
Be sure to check if they are a true messenger. Usually asking the Lord is sufficient. The Adversary may try to deceive you. It is often a good idea to shield the room and conversation before your prayer begins.
      Don’t be surprised if you only hear them first. You will begin by hearing a voice, which is unmistakable as the intelligence flows into your mind. Eventually you will see them in a vision as the Lord sees fit." (From the Pure Revelations blog)

          If the Angels are translated or withholding their glory they may appear as a regular person, but glory surrounding them can be felt. The Father and the Son appeared to Joseph in a vision. Yet Moroni came to Joseph as a translated being. As they say, angels have visited people unawares.  Most depictions of angels show wings.  I believe an angel can appear as they desire.  Some may appear with wings, but I believe the idea of wings began with the idea of angels flying through the air, thus requiring wings.  Also, their dramatic auras could likely appear as wings to the observer.
          Always ask questions. They will bring a message, but if you don’t ask questions you will miss a great opportunity.
          When they leave, thank the Lord if there is any other knowledge He wants you to have?
          Record your experience in your personal journal. This is personal scripture that you will study and relish in the future. Often Angels will come as you are writing.

          Would we be guilty of “seeking for a sign” if we entertained the idea of speaking with angels? What do you think?
 How should we view the visitation of Angels?
 Is it appropriate to “seek” these blessings NOW?


 …  “And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them. (Moroni 10:8) “And again, to another, the beholding of angels and ministering spirits;” (vs. 14) “And now I speak unto all the ends of the earth—that if the day cometh that the power and gifts of God shall be done away among you, it shall be because of unbelief.” (vs. 24) “And again I would exhort you that ye would come unto Christ, and lay hold upon every good gift, and touch not the evil gift, nor the unclean thing.”  

          The following information is from Fragrant Heavens  by Valerie Worwood.
" Some people believe in angels because they have seen them, even in some cases, before their eyes beheld them.  Other people believe in angels because they have heard their voice, or smelt their sweet fragrance and known they were near….Experiences are also very personal and varied, and full of love, poetry and drama.
…One day when I was driving along, one whispered, "pull over" in my ear, which turned out to be excellent advice.
I have seen a shining being standing in my own living room…angels are very physical at times and very etheric at others…have been described as spiritual beings intermediate between God and mankind.
  When we all hold the divine spark of unconditional love, then the earth will glow and the work of angels will be done.
Angel energy may come to different people in different forms, as our intellect will accept."
          Some are sent to observe only. Some angels are large and powerful, while others are small and gentle. Some angels are friends and family who have departed or have not yet come to mortality. It is appropriate to ask the Lord who they are and why they are here. Sometimes the answers you get when asking them directly are surprising. Each Angel has their own personality and many of them know you better than your best friend."
          There is a saying that I, myself, have said many times.  That is, "My (or your) guardian angels are working overtime."  The point being we realize that we have been protected or watched over in some way that goes beyond "normal" or "mortal" realms.

          Angels are representatives of God and they can provide a connection between God and mankind.    Hebrews 1:14, indicates that angels are sent by God to be of some type of service to people as directed by Him.
The Scripture that refers most directly to the probability of guardian angels is in Psalm 91:10-11. Many people pray this prayer in times when they are afraid or when they need protection.
"No evil shall happen to you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. For He will put his angels in charge of you, to guard you in all your ways."
          We see angels being used throughout Scripture by God to protect His people. Genesis 18 and 19 shows us that angels delivered Lot from peril, and followed God’s commands to bring wrath to the cities. Additionally, in Exodus 32:34, God tells Moses that His angels would go before him.
          Most religions agree that angels are to be respected and regarded with reverence, but not to be specifically worshiped or prayed to. In the Bible, angels are mentioned in the context of giving comfort and protection, and as part of God's plan, they are worthy of honor. However, our prayers and supplications should always be directed to God and not to any other deity, including angels.  
          In Acts 12: 1-11, we read how King Herod seized Peter, had him arrested and put into prison with four squads of soldiers to guard him and the intent to kill him after the Passover. Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, while guards in front of the door kept watch.   An angel of the Lord appeared, woke him up, and the chains fell from his hands. The angel directed Peter to get dressed, and follow him and they went past all the guards undetected, and proceeded to the iron gate of the city which opened by itself.  Peter didn't give the praise to the angel who lead him through his escape, but recognized that it was God who made it happen.
            In Revelation 22:9, the apostle John had been given revelation of the future by an angel and his immediate response was to fall down and worship the angel. However, the angel rebuked him and told him not to do so. He reminded John that he was a servant of God and all worship belonged to God.
          Does this mean that we aren’t to acknowledge angels in our lives? Yes, we can acknowledge them  as messengers of God and protectors. We can honor their roles as God’s servants in the heavens and in the earthly realm. We can become familiar with the angels and get to know them. Whether we recognize them being active in our lives or not, we should be receptive to their unseen presence. It's one more confirmation that God is constantly aware of our needs and provides His angels to minister to us.

          Denver Snuffer related his experience with an angel:
"As I stood before this angel I noted that he was old, as tall as I am, with a beard, a full head of hair. It was long, but not quite to his shoulders. He spoke with authority, accustomed to declaring messages with efficiency and clarity. His demeanor was somber, as if the weight of eternity rested upon him. Although there was nothing vocal, he spoke with the clarity of a voice which settled deep within me…   When an angel speaks to you, you never forget. Through all that has come and gone since that day, I am still transfixed by that moment."

Fragrant Heavens by Valerie Worwood
Pure Revelations blog 
Come Let Us Adore Him by Denver Snuffer

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