Spirit animals can be messengers for the Lord. Various names have been used to describe animal spirits, including Totem animals, Power animals, Animal spirit guides, animal Guardians, etc.
If you have Indian or other ethnic bloodlines, you could research totems of that tribe or culture and petition in prayer if you should ask for a connection or if you have one already. We have spirit animals of protection.
Mostly bears.
Why would a message from a spirit OR physical animal matter?
By studying and reading about the animals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles, etc. we encounter, we can understand more about circumstances we find ourselves in.
Most people equate imagination with unreality. Nothing could be further than the truth. The imagination is a power of the mind to create and work with images. This ability which can open us to other realms, assist in in healing among other things. What we consider imagination is a reality in some form on levels beyond the sensory world.
In 2009, we took an amazing trip to Canada. We chose to hike up a slot canyon called Grotto Canyon near Canmore. It was full of gray rock rather than the red rock I was used to in southern Utah. About 1/3 the way up, we noticed a small gray bird hopping the rocks ahead of us.
She would look back at us, then fly to the next rock, making sure we were following. This went on for about 30 minutes until we reached the top of the canyon. She then hopped over to a small side canyon and showed us a nice little waterfall. Other people showed up and she left. She joined us again for a few minutes on the way back as if to say “Hey, did you like that?” She was a real life physical creature who connected with us spiritually.
So….How do you meet your spirit animal?
Do not choose it, it chooses you. Do not try to "compel" it to manifest itself just because you want it to.
After I had a lesson on spirit animals, I wondered what mine was. I was hoping for a horse—because, you know I love horses. I asked, but nothing showed up in particular besides my many “bird” stories and eagle-ego experience. Then, in November of 2019, I saw a bald eagle standing on the ice in Soda Lake as we rode horses near our home in Pinedale, Wyoming.
Wow, that was neat, but it didn’t really sink in until June of 2020 as we rode near Sweeney Creek also in Wyoming. As I was taking photos on a horse ride, I looked at the sky to the west and a cloud formation looked exactly like a bald eagle. I took that as my confirmation.
If you have an eagle, (Like I do.) you may find information to assist you in life's relationships. “Eagle has a sharp beak and is designed to cut, tear and crush. Important to know when to speak, how much and how strongly. Unless this is controlled, it will be easy to inadvertently hurt someone with words.
To align with eagle medicine is to take the responsibility and power of becoming so much more than you now appear to be. Events will fly faster (and as such, the repercussions for everything you think, do or say or fail to think, do or say—positive and negative will be both stronger and quicker.)”
True spirit animals will appear only at the time and place in your life when you are ready to accept them and the wisdom they come to offer.
Some suggestions:
1. Meditate, Clear yourself to see better—imagine your pineal gland and seeing through the 3rd eye.
2. Remember to shield and ask to receive the gift at the right pace.
3. Take advantage of creative imagination.
4. Relax. A person can have more than one spirit animal choosing to interact and/or accompany them. Everyone is individual and animal spirits come when they are needed and can change according to your need.
Confirmation can come in many ways, such as dreams. You may see its face in the markings of a stone.
What animal do you see here in the rock formation? |
You may encounter video programs on it. There will some confirmation in tangible form that is more than co-incidence. Pay attention to what you see, feel and hear every time you step outdoors.
The Father (creator) is called “Star Breather” by some animal spirits. I was inspired by this name when I heard it and created an essential oil blend I named “Star Breath.”
There be Dragons
Dragons are highly misunderstood due to the reputation of the dark ones and how most dragons are portrayed as the bad guys in movies. Working with dragons is not a hobby, but a practice to help expand spiritual growth and development. Some confuse dragons with reptilians. Even though similar characteristics, Totally different. They work with people that have a pure heart. You have to be ready and focused. Not ”half assed”.
Tiffany Tin on YouTube describes 7 different groups of dragons: (Not sure how true it is, but it is interesting. You can look it up. Keep in mind, you can find tons of information and opinions about dragons on the internet. I found that it varies along a continuum from totally thinking they are pure fantasy to thinking they were a dragon in a previous life and now they live with them.)
I found the following on the internet: There are a variety of colors— black, red, blue, green, golden, white. Chromatic dragons are first (Black, Red, Blue, Green and White), followed by Metallic Dragons (Brass, Bronze, Copper, Gold and Silver), then rarest colors of purple, yellow and rainbow.
Scales may have a pearlescent, or rainbow effect. There are also many sizes and abilities… some with multiple legs, or wings, and some with none, some with scales, some with feathers or fur, some are etheric, some look like liquid precious metals.
(My dragons are gold and have assertive personalities, all business and no joking around, more regal and aloof. The picture to the left is the right color, but mine are not so small and cuddly. I did not “ask” for a dragon. One just showed up as I meditated on the information in the class. Then, recently his “mate” showed up, too. She is sometimes my “house dragon.” They help us with containment shields which are often made of “dragon’s breath.”)
Recently, I came across a mention of a creature called a “griffin”. I didn’t know what a griffin was and had to look it up. (Front body of eagle and back body of a lion.) Anyway, the picture of the griffin reminded me of a dragon and the gold picture was similar in shape and color to my dragons.
They have names, mostly unpronounceable. Partially on assignment, partially by choice from a planet in our galaxy. Some wanted to be in this form, very smart. There is a pride issue, some have chosen poorly. Can warp or port to another location.
Dragons don't usually need to shield. There is a story of dragons protecting a conference in Moab during the opening prayer. It was said they bathed building in fire, walked clockwise, partnering with God.
Dark spirits do NOT like dragons.
The Leviathan monster described in Job SEEMS to describe a dragon when making the comparison to the Lord’s power.
Working with human kind, they are especially fierce in adversarial battles. They have agency and it is their choice to be around you. They are a “people” and not just a random animal guide.
Depending on who you talk to or what you search on the net, dragons are benevolent, conscious, advanced, ancient and wise beings that have remained hidden. Those humans who can hold their vibrations high are able to perceive them.
Be sure to feel the energy of any being that comes to with your heart and ask a question. “Are you on an errand for Jesus Christ, Savior of the world— of the highest white light and my highest and greatest good”? Those that are, will feel good and immediately respond with a yes in a way we can recognize it, and they will not be insulted by the question because they know we are learning to discern. If we were to choose to work with dragons with evil intent, or for a boost of theirs or our own ego and power, the good dragons will retreat. If any being be they dragon or otherwise hesitates to answer, tries to distract or outright denies Christ, banish them from your presence telling them they are never allowed to return, and don't let your curiosity crack open the door, slam it shut.
Dragons do not need us or our help. They have their own roles without our intervention, but human intention is powerful, and when we choose to engage our consciousness with theirs and the Savior’s and ask for their help or intervention in areas, the results can be amazing.
Dragons cannot just take something away because it is bothering us. That is our responsibility. But they can help clear a space to choose light.
There are many people who feel they have been with Dragons before and feel deeply that it is not just folklore or childishness, only meant for fantasy movies, computer games, books and cartoons. But thank goodness for all those writers, animators, producers of movie and games— those creatively or maybe divinely inspired, who have kept the Dragon memory alive in our awareness, or we might have lost remembering of them all together.
One of the “dragon” people (seen on the web) described a beautiful sight. At first a lot of noise, colors, sounds and wings, then 7 Dragons started to “line up and lock in”. They all came together and lined up with a slight click sound, and then flew in synchronicity. All of them flew with the same body and wing movements, it was loud and really fast. Together, they generated this sparkly rainbow energy that looked like a sparkly see-through double helix. It was an amazing sight. Seemed to be healing energy that held a tight formation for a little while, then it dissipated and expanded into the soil, through the crystals and tree roots, out through the waters, and into the air.
It is not for us to convince anyone, argue about, or try to prove or defend the Dragons existence to anyone. It is for each person to decide whether they will allow or believe or reconnect with any being, or not.
Spirit Animals by Doug Mendenhall
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews
Own Your Own Powers, YouTube channel
Tiffany Tin, Dragon spirit guides and Understanding the Dragon Realm
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