Thursday, February 15, 2018

Engaging the Empath

Empathy enables us to FEEL others’ experiences in our own body.  Teachers, psychologists and healers all take advantage of this in their work.  Mothers are natural empaths. Christ was the ultimate empath.

 Most people aren’t aware of how much heavy emotion the Empath in them picks up each day.
When the Empath is healed, we will find love pouring out of us all the time, which doesn’t involve a loss of self.
We start to get a Feeling of who needs a phone call; what books we should read; who is trustworthy; how available someone is for an intimate relationship. 
 Our Feeling reception area is at front of the body from the top of the diaphragm to just below the navel--often called solar plexus ( "gut feelings", Solar Chakra).  This is often accompanied by physical sensations, such as butterflies or knots in stomach.

   We must protect ourselves against onslaught of negative feelings from others--tension, depression, anxiety.  They may not be ours, but we pick them up from others.  Eastern beliefs hold that the solar plexus is where the spiritual and physical worlds join. No wonder it's a key reception center.

          When accessing feelings ask:  Where are the feelings coming from?  Don't force, just be open and aware.  Note the impressions.  Refer to the post on Feelings and Impressions.  We often are given information in the form of Feelings and Impressions.

Molecules carrying emotional information are not only generated by the brain, but by sites throughout the body, most dramatically in the heart and gut.  When people have "gut feelings", they're not speaking metaphorically.

             There are Highly sensitive people (HSP) in about 20% of the population.  It also survives in horses about 15-20% because it's useful to have a few around who are always watching for subtle signs…danger, new foods, etc.  I had a "highly sensitive" horse once, but had to find her a new home because she was so much on the look out for the predator, it made her unsafe for a senior citizen like me.

          The Empath does not act in a healthy manner until  the grip of restricting family relationships is released.  Most people are still living in the past, working overtime for other people.
          Some feelings our soul sends us are as fine as silk, a nudging, a caress, a whisper.  Others tear into us with the intensity of Beethoven, pushing us in a new direction like wave crashing against a boat.
There are some exercises that help engage the Empath in us.

o   Practice going to a location (room) and sensing the feeling of that area. Can scan with the hand to make direct contact.  Vibrations can travel through the hand to the abdomen where they are amplified.  Practice sensing on jewelry or objects. Practice next time you buy something whether it be the ripest cantaloupe or the object that will last the longest.

o   Hold heart, feel pulse for 2-3 minutes.  Visualize yourself as a child between ages 5 – 10, sitting in one room of the house you grew up in.  Hold an “interview” with each of your parents, one by one.  Be aware of the different sensations in your body.  Evaluate whether either of them was attached to your empathic senses in a controlling way and made you feel responsible for their happiness. If so, tell them that you wish to be free of that influence and you are ready to walk forward as an independent being.  There may be others that may have manipulated you.
o   Determine who, in your childhood, gave you the most space to be yourself, to express your feelings and desires without shame.  When you find that person, focus your attention on that warmth between you.  Recognize this as a healthy expression of the Empath—of intimacy in which you are able to remain connected to yourself and be physically aware of another person’s emotional needs.
o   Stay in this loving frequency as long as you want.  Journal about it.  What images and colors came to mind?  What relationships still need healing?  Go back to this meditation at least 3 or 4 times.  You can yell, scream, curse, write letters then burn them, whatever you want.
o   Give Love where it is needed either to you or another person.  If you find it difficult to do that, give Love and Gratitude to your higher power.
o   When you meet people, allow yourself to perceive all of them. Reach out to people in love.  Open yourself to the intelligence of plants and animals.
o   Journal Writing is one of the best ways to develop intimacy with feelings.  It’s not about self evaluation; it’s about getting blood moving, stepping into a world of no shame, fear or criticism. If you want a question answered, just ask it.  The subconscious loves to answer questions, (including negative ones ).
o   Breathing:  breath and feeling are interconnected.  When we change our breath, we change our awareness.  Whenever you want to be more intuitive in a situation—, why someone is angry, when you should speak in a conversation—just breathe more.  Take relaxed inhalations and monitor all information that passes through you.  What is subtle with scattered breath becomes obvious with calm breath.  Breath not only enhances intuition, but protects us, creates a boundary that edits harmful energies.  This reminds me of Mark Rashid, a renowned horse trainer…just breathe.  In teaching how to become in tune with the horse.

o   Avail yourself of various methods of healing:  massage, acupressure, not baths, sauna, Quantum Touch, EFT, Heart Point, Rapid Eye.
          Spend one morning or afternoon on a weekday BY YOURSELF visiting the following in order:  courthouse, hospital, arboretum or park--30 minutes to an hour in each place, but not over an hour.  Turn off cell phone, no music.  Take a pad of paper and pen.

1.  Courthouse: focus on the energy as you approach it.  Do NOT focus on a particular person.  Walk around the halls and spend a few minutes in the open courtroom if possible. What does the energy feel like?  Record how it feels and if there is any energetic effect on you.  Just experience and record.

2. Next, go to the hospital.  Notice how you feel as you approach it.  Go to energy intense locations such as the emergency room, post-op waiting and chemotherapy waiting.  How does it energetically feel?  If you feel a fear, Where does your body feel it?  Sick to your stomach? Chills?  Record.

3.  Once you leave the hospital, travel to an arboretum or park.  Record how you energetically feel. Do not think about the prior two places. 
There is nothing "wrong" with being empathetic or developing this gift.

I was going to quote heavily from Doug Mendenhall's posts on Empathic Healing, but decided just to give the link(s) because the information is so good. Actual quotes from those with powerful empathetic gifts.  People of the Heart.

            When our Savior was in the Garden of Gethsemane, we read that He suffered for the sins of the world and that so great was His pain that He bled from every pore. (Mosiah 2:7, D&C 19:18-19) Can you imagine! He took upon Himself, Empathically, not only the conditions of mortality, our sins and iniquities, but our transgressions which defined is our actions of evil wrongdoing. And every sorrow and sadness of everyone involved in our lives, because for everything which we do surely effects our loved ones as well . The aches and pains we physically feel when we suffer from sickness and infirmities, He took and takes! His suffering was certainly equal and exceeded any of the depths of our guilt, our grief, all of these negative attributes that keep us from experiencing peace.  Yes, Christ IS the ultimate Empath!

Partial List of references:

Candace Pert, Molecules of Emotion
Pete A Sanders, You Are Psychic
Teresa Brady, Ignite Your Psychic Intuition
Andrei Ridgeway, Psychic Living
Linda Kohanov, Riding Between the Worlds
Douglas Mendenhall, Conquering Spiritual Evil blog

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