Friday, May 8, 2020

Lacking in Wisdom

May 5, 2020
I awakened about 2:35 and tried to get back to sleep.  I couldn't so began praying.  I lacked wisdom, so as we are told in James 5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally,"  I lacked wisdom about this pandemic thing.  What IS going on? 

I have listened to many  such as Dr. Buttar, David Icke, Andrew Kaufman, Bruce Lipton, Judy Mikovitz.    Each is expert in some way, and has pieces of the puzzle.

  As I prayed, information was given.
There is an elite secret combination group headed at the top by just a few. They have an Agenda and have tentacles in every country.  That agenda is ultimately total power and squashing of free agency.  It is, as David describes, "a spider web" with threads into every organization.  They have been planning this pandemic for years, even decades.  Event 201 was a preparation even down to the corona virus, but had it starting in South America in monkeys.

The research into creating chimeric viruses is documented.  Scientists from Wuhan participated in North Carolina, then went back.  It is also documented that Fauci finagled funding of 3.2 million to go to labs in Wuhan for the purpose of super charging a virus.  All of this was done to create the "illusion" of a bio-weapon.  To create the paper trail that this was not only possible, but was actively being worked on.  However, the global elite (GE) would probably not dare ACTUALLY create/release a bio-weapon.  There is too much chance of it getting away and affecting THEIR people. (But, then the higher ups don't really care about the underlings.)

  It was the plan all along to start a pandemic in Wuhan.  That was the ideal situation to begin. That was where the virus research centered and had been funded. Wuhan was notorious for toxicity problems…horrible air quality and high in 5G.  There were always many people hospitalized with some kind of respiratory distress.  So…when the time seemed right, the GE got their agenda rolling.  Picked out about 80 people in Wuhan who they identified as suffering from a severe respiratory illness that was NOT flu.  They "determined" it MUST be an unknown virulent virus.  They made up a story that it must have come from bats or some animal from the fresh market.  This all seemed likely.  Later on, it was revealed about the virus research  in Wuhan and that it must have come from there, whether accidentally leaked or purposely.  This all fit into their plan.  The FEAR of a super virus just fueled their agenda.

Next was a lockdown to "prevent" the spread.  And we all saw how that played out.  Wow, if Wuhan can be locked down, the rest of the world "must" close borders, etc, etc.  Then all of the spider networks in each country set their agenda going of a total lockdown, influencing key government figures to play into their agenda.  All sorts of fake computer models.  Warning that certain actions must be taken to avoid all these hundreds of millions of deaths…from a super virus that was never isolated or identified.  The so-called tests were even "fake".  The doctor who created the RTR diagnostic test said it was never intended to diagnose infectious diseases. (Andrew Kaufman)
 Is there a COVID 19 virus really causing the illness?   The people who have died most likely would have died anyway, but now there is a supposed culprit.  The whole agenda was to create the PERCEPTION of a big problem rather the actuality of a real problem.  Viruses including corona viruses do not want to kill their host. They are never deadly in and of themselves.  They want to replicate and they do this by causing their host to cough the particles so they can be spread. The big problems come when something compromises the immune system enough to allow other pathogens to invade and cause havoc.

Questions we want to ask.
o  WHY does one of Gates' subsidiaries have a PATENT on the COVID 19 VIRUS taken out in November, 2019?
 It also has to do with vaccines.  Get people so frightened that they demand a vaccine, even though it wouldn't be "effective" and would actually cause more  illness…more reason for continued lockdowns and keeping people under house arrest and in such constant fear that they wear masks and demand more vaccines.  

o   Why were there so many test kits available for a virus that had never been isolated  before?
o   What IS the agenda here?
Notice that it's the small businesses, those who are mostly independent who have been shut down.  Their livelihoods are mostly likely devastated.  This is a good part of the agenda of the GE.  This will force them to become "dependent".

o   Are there any people actually asking God what is going on and not just listening to propaganda?  Very few.   

  The public has pretty much separated into two camps.  Those who are so frightened that they do everything they're told.  Slogans such as "Stay Home, Save Lives".  When, we can now clearly see that the whole shut down has not saved lives, but caused more suicides, more domestic violence, more mental illness, more financial devastation. The other camp is the one who realizes many freedoms are being stripped away.
o    Our constitutional rights have been trampled.  These people are being chastised as not caring about lives. There are many good people out there, even doctors who dare to reveal what is going on, but are being persecuted and censored for saying the truth.
The Global Elite controls most governments, big pharma, most of the medical profession, all of the mainstream media (You Tube, Google, Facebook, etc), Hollywood, big corporations and on and on.

o   What can we do?  Release any fear.

  I like Craig Richards' take on it:

"I don’t deny that there are conspiracies, because I know that there are. People have been meeting in secret places in the middle of the night under darkness fomenting sinister plots to gain power since the beginning of time. Secret Combinations are everywhere and exist in every country, and in every segment of society. It's just that, to me, it doesn’t matter. It’s not as important as the need for us all to be prepared. By prepared I mean spiritually and mentally. The stockpiling of food and guns will not ultimately save you and your family. The real story, the kernel of truth here, is that we are beginning to experience the full fury of Mother Earth’s campaign to do something about the wickedness and abuse that has been perpetrated on her by her ungrateful and greedy children. The only thing that will ultimately save you is your righteousness and your turning to God."

Turn to God and IGNORE all the craziness going on.  IGNORE those who don't agree with you.  Do not engage in contention.  Seek for truth from the Holy Spirit rather than from Facebook "Truth Checkers" and the main stream news.

Hug your family, hug your friends.