Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Cat In The Bed--Observation, Judgment & Criticism

  In pondering about observation, judgment, criticism and I came up with the "cat in the bed" idea.  These are all my own ideas.  I love my own cat, but I don't care for her in or on my bed and she knows that so doesn't even try.

Informed Observation=the cat is in my bed. I can see her there and hear her purring. There are cat hairs on the covers.

Discernment=the cat is sleeping in my bed. I understand  her desire to be comfortable.  It gives me an insight into what cats like. I can move her to her own bed if I choose, but I will be kind.

Judgment=It is bad that the cat is in my bed or it is good that the cat is in the bed--Judging the cat as "stupid", "needy", etc. Judgment that we need to be wary of includes thoughts such as: "How arrogant!  or Needy or Selfish."   "They must be spiritually superior (or inferior) to me."  "Their house or yard is so messy?" "They must be bad parents if their child is so wayward."  "He should be doing this or that."  "That person is sooo judgmental!"

 Criticism= so disgusting that the cat is in a bed. Cat hairs all over, how dirty.  How can the owner allow that? The cat shouldn't be there, she should be outside or in the barn catching mice.

Condemnation=  so wrong, evil and horrible that the cat is in that bed.  Let's throw that cat outside where she belongs and maybe starve her so she learns a lesson.

"Don't condemn ANYONE, including Church of Satan, it's not your right to judge.  Only Father and messengers can judge.”