Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Hearing the Voice of God


There are many times when we are asked to pray about something and get an answer.  So, how do you get your answers?   When you were reading the Book of Mormon and received the witness of its truth, do you remember how that happened?  Did you FEEL it, or did a KNOWING just envelope you.  Or did you hear the spirit whisper to you, “It’s true”. 

There are four main ways of tapping into spiritual communication.  Those are seeing, feeling, hearing and knowing. You may have experienced some or all of them.  Sometimes it is a combination.  Smell and taste can also be added.   The Lord may also reveal His will to us through dreams, visions, the scriptures, even the words of other people, words to songs, etc. Spiritual information is always coming to us.  We are constantly gathering information through all of these senses whether we realize it or not. Think back on your experiences.  You may have journaled about these experiences.  If you haven't yet, then it's a good time to start. 

When people say "I see", they don't always mean with their eyes (physical or spiritual). 

They may actually mean "I get it” or “I understand."  We all really have two sets of eyes.  With our inner eye, we view the pictures or images in our mind.  We do not always choose the images that pop into our mind.  Someone slightly older than me remembered listening to stories on the radio as a boy.  The same stories as they came on TV were disappointing.   

The scriptures are full of such expressions as “The veil was taken from our minds, and the eyes of our understanding were opened,” or “I will tell you in your mind and in your heart,”  or “I did enlighten thy mind,”  or “Speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts.”  There are hundreds of verses which teach of revelation.

In the desert, Lehi instructs his family of the things he witnessed, his spiritual experiences.  When Lehi told his family of his visions from God, Nephi appeared to be skeptical at first, but had a GREAT DESIRE to believe!  He did cry unto the Lord and was visited.   

Although this visit sounds significant, it is then described. God’s visit was merely to soften Nephi’s heart.  No rushing wind, no parting veil, no thunder from on High. Nothing material happens at all. It consists merely of Nephi being able to set aside his skepticism.  He was able to believe his father’s message.  That is where it begins with each of us. Nephi’s desire to believe has changed to belief, but he does not yet have faith in the process. Faith requires action.  Nephi now takes action and bears testimony to his brothers.  He shows charity towards the hard-hearted. Then, Nephi receives more. The Lord spoke to him.  Now instead of feelings he received actual words in answer to his prayer. The important concept is presented here is that Belief involves a soft heart, but Faith requires action and actual communication in language. The movement in Nephi’s life changes from emotion, sympathy or feeling to words, dialogue and conversation.

 So how DO we hear the voice of God? 

   " All can “hear” God’s voice, but how it comes to each person may be different from how it comes to anyone else. …It can come to the mind; it can be “heard” in the mind; it is sometimes sensed in the impressions; it can come as a dream; … it comes from a source outside of man. It is often surprising and not at all what was expected.  These are not just “emotions” or “feelings”; rather, there is an intelligence to it which originates from outside of the person and delivers a message — not feelings, but a message.   The “voice” is clearly not one’s own and introduces ideas or concepts that are clearly not one’s own. …It is not audible, but one hears it inside…How He reaches out to you may be as…unique as you are, and you can be assured He is reaching out. In fact, God is rather noisy if you will allow Him to be. We were never intended to live without a direct connection to Him.  … Relying merely upon your ‘feeling’ or ‘emotions’ alone is insufficient;  learn to hear His voice.  All of the prophets…from Moses to Gideon to Elijah, received contact from God. They were certain Who it was that spoke to them. They obtained intelligence, heard His voice, and learned from Him. None of them relied upon mere ‘feeling’ but instead ‘heard’ words from Him. He spoke with them just as He did with Nephi.” 

Many of us are familiar with the story of Enos.   The account describes the intense emotion and desire that Enos had to reach the Lord. He not only prayed but “cried” out to God believing that God would hear his prayer.  

 A voice came to Enos’s mind —(Note his MIND) “Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed.”   

The prayers of Enos give a pattern of how to receive revelation. It is a struggle for most everyone as they learn this process. It occurs in the quiet places of our mind. We must learn to discern the Lord’s voice.    What things in your life require being able to discern God’s voice? How can we stay on our path of doing God’s will if we don’t know what it is?

So…once we believe (like Enos and Nephi,) and FEEL the Spirit,  how do we actually transition to hearing a word in our mind?   Perhaps begin with praying and asking simple yes and no questions—the kind of question which can be easily understood when answered.  

What would answers to Yes and No questions look like?  Think about the different ways.  (seeing the word written out, hearing someone say the word, feeling peace, seeing certain colors,  etc). Many times I have received answers in the form of a question back at me, such as  "Do you want to get into the house flipping business or do you want to do My work?" These "questions" came as words in my mind.   

  When we don’t get an answer, it is often because of the way we ask questions. If there are struggles here, simply rephrase the question.  

  What does it sound like when you hear a word in your mind? Most of the time it sounds like YOU!  It is more than an emotion or feeling. 


An example—Think in your mind the words “It is time.”  Whose voice is it?  Is it my voice?  Is it your voice?  Or is it actually a voice? Is it a thought? Do thoughts have a voice?  I believe that most of the time revelation comes as thoughts or feelings which are transmuted then into language and voice in our mind. 

  It is translated into words that you can understand. This is true no matter how we receive information at first—whether it be feeling, knowing, seeing or hearing. Some say they get a feeling as an answer.  Of what? The feeling or emotion is NOT the answer.  What does the feeling mean? It gives us information—the information is the answer. Sometimes the answers can be compared to a whisper in that they are still, quiet, and reserved.  But the language MAY come as a shout with power and great force in your mind,  An example of this is warning of danger.  But, in any event, clarity and understanding come through. 

My children’s ancestor, Amanda Barnes Smith had a husband and son brutally murdered at the Haun’s Mill massacre.   Not only did she endure this tragedy, but had another son Alma who was critically wounded when his entire hip socket was shot out at close range.  She was directed by a voice speaking to her.  She was told what to do to treat her son’s wound.  Later, she fervently prayed aloud.  She heard “a voice as plain as ever I heard one.  It was no silent strong impression, but a VOICE repeating a verse of the Saints hymn.

That soul who on Jesus hath leaned for repose,

I cannot, I will not desert to its foes;

That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,

I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.”

The words gave her information, comfort and confidence.  It happened as a result of her heartfelt prayer. Although not a common means of communication, it is possible to receive a revelation by means of a clear, audible voice as Amanda did. 

When you hear the Spirit speak to you it may be a short phrase to make a point; a reminder; a warning; or even brief counsel. Usually it encourages you seriously consider something, or to take action.  When we hear a voice like this and it is from the Lord, it doesn’t mean that we will necessarily have a good feeling.

The Spirit can make us feel uncomfortable. Don’t assume its ungodly if we are inconvenienced or concerned.

Have you heard of a “stupor of thought?” When our thoughts are scrambled and confused; and we struggle to focus, often this is a sign that it is not from the Lord. In answer to a prayer, it may be a sign that we are trying to force the revelation, or even that the adversary is present. If you find yourself going back and forth between a stupor and clear revelation, calm your thoughts, and focus on the Savior. 

The next natural sequence is to have a conversation with the Lord.  But we hear the voice of the Lord in our minds coming back to us. It almost feels like we are having a conversation with ourselves, yet it is filled with holiness, virtue, and light. It doesn’t come about easily, but when it happens you clearly recognize it’s not the normal way things happen for you.    

So….what can WE do?  To receive revelation?  Place our trust in the Lord.   Alma  gives us  keys to detect revelation. We can tell by the fruits. He tells us that revelation or the word of God will begin to enlarge our hearts—there will swell within us a desire to be a better person—to go about doing good. You may remember the story of the Grinch—at first his heart was two sizes too small, and then as the Spirit of Christmas worked upon him, his heart enlarged.

  Everything which inviteth and enticeth to do good is inspired of God,  Understanding, comprehension, light and truth—these are the effects of the Holy Ghost. 

 The emotional response should be separated from the message. Does it enlighten? Does it impart knowledge? Does it cause a desire to change? Repent?

  Does it point us to coming unto Christ?    Does it call us to Love, Service, Gratitude and Forgiveness?

 Inspiration coming from God will call us to repentance, lead us to seek and emulate  Christ and show us our true calling. 

Have you ever heard of a marathon? 

How about a Prayer-A-Thon? (as compared to “marathon”.) As I pondered about a prayer-a-thon, I was advised that this prayer-a-thon doesn’t have to be all at once. We don’t have to complete all the mileage in one day.) As we have been counseled—pray always.  We can be in an attitude of prayer in almost whatever we are doing.  

Hiking, gardening, house-cleaning, showering, etc can all be turned into meditations and prayer-on-the-go.  The important thing is to leave Babylon behind. No internet browsing, no checking on the news, no social media, etc.  (Best to set aside another time for these.) Fast. (As in from food, social media, sugar—whatever encourages you to focus spiritually.) Remember especially to shield!— Inner, outer, & armor.   Express to the Lord your gratitude in detail.   Sing as many hymns as you can remember.  

  Pray and cry unto the Lord to be made clean, to know Jesus Christ so that you can be a servant. Pondering is a form of prayer. Think about what this means to you. Why are you here? What is your purpose?    

Another idea is to  pray for every one you know— Think of details and plead for them by name to the Lord. How about praying for even the person who has wronged you.  Ask the Lord for His will to be done in terms of healing and finding their way to Him.

A next step might be imagining yourself standing before the Lord.  Egos on the altar. Really, relinquish those egos and whatever else you need to sacrifice. See this in your mind as clearly as possible. Ask the question, “ Will you accept my sacrifice?” Keep asking until you hear the voice of God in your mind.      (The biggest challenge for me is to stay focused and not let my mind wander. When this happens, I dismiss stray thoughts by putting them in a cloud or a capsule and then get back to focusing.)

   The Savior is here for each of us and will not leave us comfortless.  Find Him as you never have before. Let the Spirit guide your actions.   

Again, these are just suggestions. Especially if you are having struggles with “hearing” the Voice of God.

  “There is no magic formula for communicating with God; no list of what is to be said or repeated.… He “gets it” even before man speaks.  Prayer is a way of …taking the time to be alone with Him. …Ask simply. It is not necessary to be elaborate or long-winded. State clearly what you believe you need. Accept what then comes in His answer. Trust He knows more than you. Trust He can give you what you need, even if you hadn’t even thought about it as a need…Talk like you are addressing your most intimate friend and have nothing to hide. Tell Him about your regrets, hopes, frustrations, concerns, fears, and confusion. Before long you will discover that whatever you care about, God also cares about. ” 

    We need to hear the voice of God.  How can we do His will or commandments if we don’t know what they are?  No matter HOW we receive revelation,—whether it’s feeling, knowing, hearing or seeing— the bottom line is the message.  Most of the time it has to be transcribed into language.  Some say they get a feeling as an answer.  Great!  Of what? The feeling or emotion is NOT the answer. The important thing is what does the feeling mean!  WHAT do you feel?  WHAT do you know?  What do you SEE? What does the image mean?  WHAT do you hear?  It can be audible like Amanda, but more likely it is in the mind as described in scripture.


Denver Snuffer, Second Comforter and Beloved Enos

Glossary, Restored Edition Scriptures

Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi , Moroni, Alma and Enos

Amanda Barnes Smith, personal journal

Pure Revelations Blog

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